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Finally meet every student's needs

Leverage the power of personalization to tailor reading exercises to individual needs, effectively addressing classroom diversity.

Join other universities in effectively managing classroom diversity

and students from universities across the globe using mylingua individually

News Feed
+50 topics
5k articles daily
Hyper-personalized suggestions
Sentence Translations
Personalized word coloring
AI-generated audio
+50 topics
5k articles daily
Hyper-personalized suggestions
mylingua Feed Screenshot mylingua Reader Screenshot mylingua Progress Dashboard Screenshot
mylingua Feed Mobile Screenshot mylingua Reader Mobile Screenshot mylingua Progress Dashboard Mobile Screenshot
Benefits for teachers
Effectively manage classroom heterogeneity

by tailoring reading and listening exercises to students` individual needs, without spending valuable time sourcing and manually translating appropriate materials.

Optimize classroom time

for meaningful discussions on current China-related topics and trends, supported by comprehensible, real-world content.

Access a vast content library

with over 5,000 daily articles across 50+ topics, sourced from major media outlets in mainland China and Taiwan.

Benefits for students
Foster understanding of language, culture, and society

by engaging with authentic materials early on and gaining direct exposure to Chinese ways of thinking

Work autonomously and read effortlessly

with the help of tailored materials(,) learning-support functions and personalized vocabulary lists

Expand vocabulary through multimodal practice

by combining reading and listening activities with real-world content

Flexible pricing

Depending on no. of accounts, between 4-10€ per account per month

Versatile application

Universities have designed entire courses around mylingua, but it also integrates into your existing curriculum.

No installation needed

Web application that runs directly in your browser - no separate download or setup required

Flexible trial period

Try mylingua without any risk during a free trial— customizable in both duration and the number of accounts!

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